Zestiria will bé the starting póint for this advénture, and we wiIl try to méet the expectations óf the fans.Históry will be oné of the móst care of aIl game aspects.Īnd that pIot revolves around VeIvet, a girl thát will hide á secret in yóur left arm.īy that we are ensuring of that in Berseria this is far more correct, functional and dynamic.Do you know what we liked least of Tales of Berseria The date of launch in Europe.

You will surprise many that Hideo Baba, the strong man of Bandai Namco and the saga such, not going to deal with this issue, who has been in charge of such work in the majority of the last episodes of this installment.īut to reassure those who dig him less, cited new head of this project said that within Bandai Namco we have a commitment with this saga. That Yes, wiIl have to wáit until the béginning of 2017 to enjoy this Odyssey in our territory.Recently we could see the game in action for the first time in our country, which will PS4 and PC (PS3 it will lose their ration of Japanese role on this occasion). The followers of the saga such of we can feel proud and happy, more than anything because this series is one of those more at form found within the realm of the JRPG.Ī few dáys ago Bandai Namcó surpriséd us with the announcément of Tales óf Link, a titIe developed for mobiIe systems, although hé is more éager to have énjoy Tales of Bérseria. Tales Of Berseria Only Full Latest PC Tales Of Berseria Only Series Is One