Regardless of their opinions on his values, most of Nick Jonas’ fans can’t help but notice the singer’s rock hard body. Although his new accents do not match up with his old image, Jonas insists that he has not abandoned his Christian faith and continues to live by a “set of values.” He has removed his purity ring and, according to reports, has been spotted at a number of “gay” clubs. Recently however, Nick Jonas has shied away from his clean image. The brothers proudly wore purity rings and even released several Christian themed songs. When Nick Jonas and his brothers entered the music scene, they were portrayed as a closeknit knit group with strong Christian values. While the shirtless photos of Wahlberg seemed to fit his Boston bad boy image, the pictures of Jonas come as some what of a shock to those who have followed his career since its start. Jonas, who was born in the fall of 1992 wasn’t even alive when Wahlberg originally began posing for his famous series of sexy shots. Now, more than 20 years after Wahlberg’s infamous black and white photos, his iconic pose has been borrowed by none than Nick Jonas, former member of the Jonas Brothers. The photos, which were part of a Calvin Klein underwear ad campaign, became an instant hit.

During the early 90s, Mark Wahlberg, AKA Marky Mark, posed for a series of photos captured by photographer Herb Ritts.