Now you're ready to kill! Any zombie will do. Bullet tip is just clay and brass (forge). Gun power you can craft from coal and nitrate (crafting menu).

I, for one could not find the Calipers at all, so I ended up just looting and keeping all bullet casings I could from bodies and other loot places. From here you'll need (bullet casings, bullet tips, and gun power) Unfortunately, to craft the bullets you'll need to have already found the 'Calipers' to add to the forge. In order to make those, you'll need to buy the (.44 Magnum Round Crafting) perk from your skill section which only costs 5 skill points. Once you have everything together you'll need to make bullets. You can find books almost anywhere, but the main locations are Crack-A-Books, Supply Drops, and other random loot places. If you are just starting out and find any of these parts, I would take them and put them in a storage box just to keep for when you are able to fully assemble. I found these parts randomly all over the map. For this you need to kill 44 Punks with a.

Only found on Alpha 17 +.This took me forever to figure out because the description wasn't exactly clear.

This is a rare find on maps yet very lootable. There is no exact way to see on the map what it is until you are there and mark it with a saved waypoint. As well there is no direct map location for any of these the stores just look like a big building on the map as does a lot of the new houses. The number 1 and 2 best looting spots are only available on Alpha 17 or higher.

Medical crafting supplies ( grain alcohol, blood bags).Tools ( pickaxes, shovels, hammers, sledgehammer, fireaxe).Hidden caches on the top 3 floors and roof.Here is what I consider the best looting locations for massive amounts of loot.